Gas Bag launched at Edible

"Gas Bag", our latest interactive inflatable sculpture, was launched at the opening for Edible, The Taste of Things to Come, at the Science Gallery, Dublin, Eire, on 9th February. Gas Bag couldn't be missed as the crowds thronged into the gallery as it took up the biggest part of the…


Speakeasy exhibition by Andy and Merja at Muu Galleria, Helsinki. Exhibition comprised of single channel videos "Through the Night Darkly" and "Lights in the Sky", autonomous/interactive sonic installation "Babel Speak", 7 autonomous robot Gods, and wall paintings. Andy and Merja once again bring humour and playfulness to bear on a…

Laughing My Guts Out

A fun physical sonic sensation, combining huge cartoon-like guts made with "bouncy castle" technique, with interactive electronic sensors driving an audio soundscape derived from 8-bit computer games sounds. Children (& childminded adults) jump and dive amongst the guts while triggering and creating the sounds in real time. The hysterical fun…