Andy & Merja's exhibition Waiting for Paradise opens on 6th March 2014 at Kulturhuset Ängeln in Katrineholm, Sweden. Works to be presented include new a new version of Skinny Dipping, including Prawnt, Chickie, Bunny Boy. No Traces of Sentimentality, a large inflatable installation, takes centre stage, while other works such…
No Traces of Sentimentality will be presented at Espoo Museum of Modern Art over the weekend of 24.-25.3.2012. Lots of other activities in the house those days. See for more information.
"Gas Bag", our latest interactive inflatable sculpture, was launched at the opening for Edible, The Taste of Things to Come, at the Science Gallery, Dublin, Eire, on 9th February. Gas Bag couldn't be missed as the crowds thronged into the gallery as it took up the biggest part of the…
Our latest work Gas Bag commisioned by the Science Gallery, Dublin, Ireland for the exhibition Edible opening 9th February 2012. The outside of Gas Bag is modelled on a human stomach, but inside things are a bit more surreal with magic mushrooms, a finger, pieces of chocolate, and pills and…
Louise Lidströmer invited us to present an exhibition at her beautiful small gallery Studio L2 in the centre of Stockholm. We chose to present Skinny Dipping with sound and light interaction. As you can see from the photos, although filling the space, the works really fitted well in the space…
Ulla Koivisto and Leila Kourika performing in FLE5H0.1, an experimental dance performance collaboration. Lighting and direction by Merja Puustinen; Sound and video by Andy Best; Choreography by Ulla Koivisto with Leila Kourika. The performance at Cartes Flux Festival was the public premiere for the piece, and it was received well…
Wild at Heart was commisioned by Helsinki Design Week for installation at the Old Customs House in central Helsinki during September 2011. The heart is a large inflatable sculpture created specifically for this location. It immediately drew attention from passers by even while being installed!
Our exhibition Into the Wide Blue Yonder at Gallery Mältinranta in Tampere, Finland between 5th - 22nd March 2011 was a great success. We presented four large works, each quite different to the others. "Bloodbath" (12 channel video sculpture) had been developed so that it now had a round frame…