Into the Wide Blue Yonder Exhibition

Our exhibition Into the Wide Blue Yonder at Gallery Mältinranta in Tampere, Finland between 5th - 22nd March 2011 was a great success. We presented four large works, each quite different to the others. "Bloodbath" (12 channel video sculpture) had been developed so that it now had a round frame…


Bloodbath is a twelve screen video installation controlled with Max/MSP/Jitter. The video screens are hung horizontally such that the viewer must walk beneath them to view the images. There is a contemplative feeling to the video, it appears that the hands are washing away the blood (their sins?), yet the…

Monkey Business

"Monkey Business, or love in a cold climate" is our latest exhibition, opening 10th November at Kerava Art Museum, Finland. Please see Facebook group for more details!


Speakeasy exhibition by Andy and Merja at Muu Galleria, Helsinki. Exhibition comprised of single channel videos "Through the Night Darkly" and "Lights in the Sky", autonomous/interactive sonic installation "Babel Speak", 7 autonomous robot Gods, and wall paintings. Andy and Merja once again bring humour and playfulness to bear on a…


Bodydouble is a four channel interactive video sculpture created for Andy and Merja's exhibition at Galleria Skulptor, Helsinki, 2004. A self portrait, the video layers their naked bodies, fading from one to the other as they caress and touch with their skin. The four screens show the complete body, starting…